Judy King
Monday 7th April
Sunday 13th April 2025

Circle Dance Teacher Training Foundation Course

The Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 6JS.

This course is for people who may want to start teaching Circle Dance and for existing
teachers to further develop their skills. My aim is to equip participants with the skills,
knowledge, expertise and confidence to teach Circle Dancing.
In planning this course, I have included many of the things I wish I had known when I embarked on my own Circle Dance teaching career all those years ago. You will also find aspects of the art of teaching that I have susequently found to be invaluable.I hope that the course will provide a lot of answers and I’m sure it will pose a lot of questions!
I know it will provide a solid foundation from which to start teaching as you will leave with a tool box of newly acquired skills.Teaching involves a huge commitment - as does
this course, but it is also enormously rewarding as I’m sure this course will be for you. There are no qualifying pre-requisites to attend, just as there are none to come to Circle Dancing in the first place – except a willingness and enthusiasm to step into unknown territory! I look forward to learning and dancing with you.

Further details are available in the Teacher Training tab on my website or by contacting me.

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