Judy King
Thursday 23rd January
Monday 27th January 2025

Celebrate the Light

~ a new dance suite with Judy King

Wells United Church and The Lady Chapel, Wells Cathedral

“No one lights a lamp in order to hide it behind the door: the purpose of light is to create more light, to open people's eyes, to reveal the marvels around.”
Paulo Coelho
We will learn the dances in the beautiful space that is Wells United Church. Sunday morning will be free time allowing you to either attend a service in Wells United Church or in the Cathedral - or walk - or window shop - or have a lie in!

When we move into the Cathedral on the Monday afternoon we will be dancing
in the beautiful space of The Lady Chapel.

N.B. Due to the nature of these more intimate dance spaces, the group size will be limited to 26.

Food: Lunches and evening meals are taken in any of the number of cafes in Wells at your own expense. I will organise a group meal on the Sunday night for those who would like it.

Is this another dance opportunity NOT to be missed?
Cost: £325. Please book with a £125 non-returnable deposit

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