Judy King
Friday 12th April
Monday 15th April 2024

Peace and Reconciliation

A dance suite by Judy King

The Great Hall, Hexham Abbey, Beaumont Street, Hexham, NE46 3NB and Hexham Abbey, Hexham NE46 3NB

Come and dance for Peace and Reconciliation, through a suite of dances created by me and choreographed by many different people.

There is no better a theme to be dancing in our troubled times.......

Come and join me in two stunning settings for this beautiful dance suite.
NOT to be missed!

We will learn the dances in The Great Hall and on Monday afternoon we will move into the beauty that is Hexham Abbey to dance this suite in The Nave which has been removed of all its chairs
Cost: £235
This includes light lunches Friday – Sunday and teas, coffee and biscuits throughout. Evening meals are eaten in local restaurants or pubs and are arranged and paid for individually.
It does not include any workshop material that you choose to buy.

To book, please send Judy your £125 deposit

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