Judy King
Friday 14th April
Sunday 16th April 2023

Shakeh Major Tchilingirian

Armenian Dances

Little Wenlock Village Hall

Rearranged from May 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

I am thrilled to be hosting Shakeh for the first time.

As well as being a beautiful teacher, she is also an acclaimed solo dance artist, choreographer and performing artist. Her unique presentation and interpretation highlight the power and spirituality of Armenian dances. Shakeh turns her dances into intricate "narratives" of the human spirit. Her dance is the focus of an award winning art-documentary film Verve by Nigol Bezjian. In recognition of her distinctive artistic approach, Shakeh conducts dance workshops regularly in many cities in Europe and has been invited to give workshops in the US, Turkey and UAE. A participant in one of her workshops wrote: "Shakeh's devotion into the performance of Armenian dances in her dazzling costumes is as near as anything I have ever seen to an "appearance" from ancient pictures in fairy tale children's books".


Cost: £155 (to include a hot meal of Saturday night)

Further details will follow soon.
To book your place, please send your £75 to Judy.

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